An emergency operations plan (EOP) is your best defense against a disaster, lawsuit, and repetitional damage. In 2017, CMS outlined to17 healthcare entities that to participate in CMS, they must have a plan. Though physician practices are not part of the 17, it is...
The Public Health Emergency (PHE) Will Fade Away
On the day that President Biden was sworn into office, the public health emergency (PHE) was set to expire, but the Department of Health & Human Services extended the emergency declaration for another 90 days, to April 20, 2021. This represents the fourth time...
Welcome to HCN ELEMENTS, our publication of information and insights on the everchanging regulatory compliance landscape.
ELEMENTS may seem like an unusual name for a newsletter but for us, the word is pretty much of a North Star. We use the “7 Elements of Compliance “to guide everything we do. A little history by way of explanation. In the mid 1990’s the CDC, OSHA and other government...
Lessons Learned from the First Wave of COVID: How to Navigate the Second Wave and Implement Lasting Changes to Benefit your Practice
When the COVID-19 pandemic reached our shores, it instantly changed the way we lived and worked. Many businesses were shuttered, and most people have yet to return to their offices since the March 2020 lockdowns. Virtual meetings, remote learning and limited socially...
Uber Health: Changing the No-Show Equation
Uber has created a service called Uber Health. It is a way for them to partner with healthcare organizations to provide reliable, comfortable transportation for patients.
7 Tips for Compliance
Does your practice promote a culture of compliance?
Protect your Data at Rest
As cyber threats have increased significantly in recent years, the healthcare community has done a decent job at protecting data in transit.