Seven Reasons We Succeed
It’s not a secret sauce. It’s more of a guiding principle directing us to successful compliance solutions no matter what the regulatory challenge.

A little history by way of explanation.
In the mid 1990’s the CDC, OSHA and other government agencies began expanding regulations affecting Medical Practices resulting in an ocean of new regulations and rules with no coherent guidelines on how to avoid penalties and insure a safe workplace.
Enter the 7 Elements. To help navigate in the expanding ocean of rules and regulations the CDC issued the “7 Elements of an Effective Compliance Program”. They quickly became the gold standard of compliance with any regulatory guidelines – and they remain so today. All HealthCare Compliance Network products and services are designed to support the 7 Elements.
The Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program
- Implementing written policies, procedures and standards of conduct
- Designating a compliance officer and compliance committee
- Conducting effective training and education
- Developing effective lines of communication
- Conducting internal monitoring and auditing
- Enforcing standards through well-publicized disciplinary guidelines
- Responding promptly to detected offences and undertaking corrective action